It's All About the Food!

Just where oh where has the time gone? I am struggling to get my head around the fact that it is already March! Life at the cottage has been busy, which I think has surprised us as generally Jan & Feb are considered the 'off season'. We are not complaining mind and love welcoming our guests to all that the cottage and the village has to offer.

The beginning of 2019 has seen some 'food' related news...

As well as our lovely pub, and the regular fish and chips that come to the village each week we have 2 new 'establishments' - I know exciting! The first is the regular Tuesday slot of Exe Valley Pizza - we now have our very own wood fired pizza coming to the streets of Winkleigh every Tuesday evening!! Each Tuesday between 5pm - 8pm the lovely Pizza peeps pitch up in the community centre car park (which btw is a stones throw from the cottage) and viola!!! Fab-u-lous pizza yum! It really is delish and very very reasonable.

The next 'food' adventure is a new 'kebabery' - Yeah i know, i know it's not really a word but you know what I mean... Uncle & Ozzy's is a Kebab House both eat in and take away. It is just up the road at Seckington Cross (2 mins in the car) and for those of a lazy disposition they deliver! The reviews have been really good.

It is so good to see amazing things starting to happen. I love to support local businesses and this really warms the cockles so to speak! Who knows what's next...



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