August 2020

What a year so far eh?

This time last year we were all oblivious to the crazy world we would all be moving into. Almost one month since the easing of restrictions and life is somewhat back to a new normal. We have been thankful for so much. Thankful for where we live, thankful for our lovely community who have been amazing throughout, and thankful to our wonderful guests who have returned to enjoy our little slice of heaven in Devon. We really do value each and every one of you.

We, like so many small businesses are experiencing a very busy summer and autumn as bookings for UK holidays surge. I really hope moving forward this will become the norm and not the exception. We are surrounded by stunning countryside, amazing natural attractions and we have some of the best produce in the world! It is so easy to forget what we have right here on our doorstep!

Over the coming weeks I aim to write a series of blog posts focusing in on exactly that - 'Doorstep Adventures'. It will be my small homage to the wonderful part of the world in which I live and will serve as a way of reminding me of how lucky I am! I will also be able to show you lovely lot what can be found right on the doorstep!

Stay tuned for some Doorstep Adventures...


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