A New Kind of Autumn

Autumn AcornsThere is a real bite at the edges of the days now, and whilst we are still blessed with glorious sunshine (a lot of the time), there is no escaping the forward march of Autumn. But this is a new kind of Autumn, one where there is no big picture certainty. However, here at the cottage while some things have changed there are still many things which have stayed the same, so here's a quick up date...

Things that have changed:

  • Last week the government announced that all businesses including holiday cottages must display the coronavirus NHS QR code poster to support track and trace. Guests will now be able to 'check in' upon arrival by scanning the code which is at the cottage. You must download the app before arrival. The app notices and logs other nearby app uses and if any of those later test positive for coronavirus you'll receive an alert with advice. The data is stored for 21 days only.
  • You can still eat out but it is advisable to book and to call in advance. My understanding is that everything is table service (no going to the bar to order drinks) and if you do need to use the facilities then you need to wear a mask. Checking with our local businesses everything as of now is still open ~ yay.
  • The guest folder is no longer left at the cottage and is sent to every guest about a week before arrival - I have expanded it to include hyperlinks for attractions and places to go for ease.
  • Please don't leave any food stuffs at the cottage as we will only throw them away - this includes herbs, spices, oils etc.
  • The cottage is double cleaned between visits and because of this check in & check out times are quite firmly set - check in 4 pm, check out 10 am. I can only flex these times if there are no direct arrivals or departures before or after your visit. Please don't be offended if the answer is no!

Things that have stayed the same:

  • Our beautiful cottage
  • Our beautiful village
  • Our commitment to you to make your stay as wonderful as possible.

Until the next time stay safe and look after yourselves

Nicole x


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